The monthly active users of Instagram are more than 500,000,000 in foreign countries. The monthly active user of Instagram was more than 12,000,000 people in Japan. (As of September, 2016)
I introduce “The landscape of Fushimi-Inari-taisha you feel like sharing using Instagram” this time.
Fushimi-inari-taisha is the 1st place in “the Japanese tourist spot rank a foreigner chooses”, 3 year continuation.(TripAdvisor (トリップアドバイザー))
Well, I can’t speak English. I’m writing this article using the translation software. If you don’t understand, please question me on Twitter(@goriluckey) . It may take time for me to answer your question. But I answer your question.
The Japanese version is here. 『Instagram(インスタグラム)でシェアしたい京都・伏見稲荷大社の風景』
I’m enjoying Instagram!
Instagram is SNS of the picture specialized type. Everyone can build it into the high quality picture easily by using the application of smart phone. Its function is a popular secret of Instagram.
When a nice picture appears on a time line for me certainly, I become funny!!
I registered with Instagram in May, 2016. But for 5 months, I didn’t use Instagram. After that Instagram wasn’t used, so I uninstalled.
I was thinking this, but I’m fascinated with Instagram now!!
If you’re the user of Instagram, please follow me. An account of my Instagram is “goriluckey“.
I contribute the picture of the landscape of Kyoto, Japan where I live using Instagram.
Fushimi-inari-taisha in Kyoto is headquarters in Inarijinja. There is Inarijinja in the whole country about 30,000 companies. Approximately 2,500,000 people pay the first visit of the year to Fushimi-inari-taisha.
There are many buildings valuable for a precinct in Fushimi-inari-taisha. “Important cultural asset” is also included in those. The vivid vermilion is made those buildings. When you take the picture of the building, so you can take very striking picture.
The place most popular with tourists is “Rokaku“. A lot of people try to take the picture of the building.
“Rokaku” is the building which represents Fushimi-Inari-taisha. The statue of a big fox is erected on both sides of the building. A lot of tourists are taking the picture of these images.
You can’t take the picture in which a person doesn’t come out at this place. The time when other tourists have turned their backs on you is the good chance when you take the picture of the building beautifully.
- Date and Time: October 2, 2016 16:15
- Camera: iPhone5s
When many people remember “Fushimi-inari”, they imagine “Senbon-Torii“. The picture of “Senbon-Torii” appears on the guide book of Fushimi-Inari certainly.
There are about 30,000 Toriis in Fushimi-inari-taisha and Mt.Inari. You’d feel that a contrast of “vermilion Torii” and “green of the trees” is beautiful. Torii in Fushimi-inari is the subject who would like to take the picture using Instagram.
This is the Torii which is just before “Senbon-Torii”. This Torii is the start spot of Torii who has in Mt.Inari.
This Torii is very big, so you have to do the picture for the length for you to take the whole view. But a lot of tourists are under the Torii.
If you’d like to take the picture of only a Torii, you have no choice but to take the picture of the upper part of a Torii.
- Date and Time: October 2, 2016 15:37
- Camera: iPhone5s
There are a lot of such pictures for the picture of “Senbon-Torii” which appears in the guide book.

If you’d like to take the picture of “Senbon-Torii” in which a person doesn’t come out, long time, I have to stand you. And even if the picture of the same composition as many people is taken, you aren’t satisfied.
How about taking the picture of the different composition with other people for you?
Well, “Senbon-Torii” is 2 lines. Such space is between the Torii and the Torii. This is the picture taken at a start spot of “Senbon-Torii”.
- Date and Time: October 2, 2016 15:40
- Camera: iPhone5s
You take a line of the Torii opposite from a gap of passing Torii. Then you can take the picture of such composition.
Trees are wanton by the place where the picture is taken. I took the place where Torii lines up orderly this time. When you take trees in composition, you can take the picture of the interesting composition.
- Date and Time: October 2, 2016 15:41
- Camera: iPhone5s
The symbol in Inari-jinja is the fox. Of course, there is the image of a lot of foxes in Fushimi-inari-taisha. Moreover when you see that attentively, the expression of a fox would notice various things for you.
This is the image of the fox built near the Torii on the north side of “Honden”. The sunset was comparing the image of the fox, so I looked for the angle where I can take the picture of the silhouette of the fox beautifully.
- Date and Time: October 2, 2016 16:02
- Camera: iPhone5s
Future view
There are also many subjects who would like to share using Instagram in these other ones in Fushimi-Inari-taisha. I’m thinking such one to share.
- Food from Fushimi-Inari
- Gift in Fushimi-Inari
- Shinto ritual in Fushimi-Inari
- The cat which lives in Fushimi-Inari
- Plant in Fushimi-Inari
- Attachment in Fushimi-Inari
Please, wait a moment pleasantly!
I regret it. “I should utilize Instagram early.”.
Because it’s because I feel that Instagram is funny!
I’m thinking I’ll take the picture of the landscape appropriate for Kyoto using Instagram at present. Because a season of colored leaves is beautiful in Kyoto.
Please, follow my Instagram. My account of Instagram is this. “goriluckey“
Hello! I’m “Gorilla”(@goriluckey) lives in Kyoto.